YDA 1 Spring 2019 Oakland — Week 3
Into the third week, our class and students have found their rhythm. Throughout the class we experienced students begin to interact more with one another.
Seeing some groggy eyes and yawns, we decided to start the day by getting the students up and moving outside. Students chose color chips and were asked to match their chip to colors outside. We followed students as they looked for their specific shade. Students made sure to notice if it was too light or too dark.
Intro to Digital Design
After getting their blood moving a bit, we were back in class to learn about digital design. We learned that digital design is anything that can be interacted with through a digital device. Fortnite, Pixar movies, and even Snapchat all have aspects of digital design! We learned about User Experience and Interface Design and how designers work to make apps or websites easy and fun to use. We ended the seminar by learning about how designers empathize with the users work with, using wireframes and personas to convey experiences and emotions.
Storyboarding and Personas
Students were split into pairs to interview each other about their morning routines. Students made sure to capture frustrations, motivations, and successes.
Community Challenge
One of designer’s favorite concepts- wireframing was up next. The class was split into two teams to work on an app that would teach people skills outside of school. Teams had to create a draft of their app using wireframing — a technique for planning in design. Students collaborated and planned what features, screens, and buttons went where.
The first team created a dance app called “dance now” where students could learn new dance moves in the app and teach others as well. The second team created a Baking app where people could learn how to bake new foods and desserts. Teams presented and got comments on questions from TAs, peers, and teachers. Students enjoyed this activity the most!
What’s coming up:
Next week, we will learn about spatial design and how we can find design in everyday buildings and objects.